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A Collaborative Research Piece (2021-2022)

Ukyio (n.) -living in the moment, detached from the bothers of life; floating , pleasure-seeking

Metanoia - the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life. 


My collaboration and research piece evolved around the concept of guilt. My dancers and I inquire and discuss how guilt festers and manifests in one’s daily life and how it is one of the most functional defense mechanisms that humans use. I am utilized eighteen dancers in a collaborative and researched based process that evolves deep delving into a vulnerable space and brain-storming movement that portrays their research in different stages and states. In the space, I am mainly was interested in the process and I emphasized the importance of journaling together and discussing different means of guilt (cultural, societal, etc.). The end product was simply the compilation of lengthy discussions and internal brewing that spills outwards in the form of movement rather than words. 


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Taken from my abstract description of my project : 

“ My project includes research of the connection between the human body and the emotion of guilt, as well as an artistic performance component. The creative process is driven by the emotion and idea of guilt and how it festers and affects the human body both humanly and artistically. The exploration and experimentation of this specific emotion will be investigated through an introspective process from myself and my cast. Through discussion, quantitative journal research, movement exploration, and improvisation, the culminating artistic creation will be a byproduct of extensive research and rehearsal processes.”

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© 2023 by Hoang-Anh (Ashley) Eng 

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